Employment visas is a very valuable and costly commodity – Employers use it very carefully. Regular employment visas are for a long term period and cannot be used for short term projects. Often, it is challenging for employers to get short term work visas for their projects. A work around for this challenge is to Employer Sponsored Short Term work visas.
Employer Sponsored Short Term Work Visa is a work around for this challenge. As an example, if the employer is based in a gulf country, and they require short term workers from India. Rather than recruiting the workers under his sponsorship, the employer subcontracts part of his project to a Sub-Contractor from India. The likely scenario in this case is as follows:
The employer subcontracts a part of the work to a Contractor, say in India,
* The contractor has documents to establish that he is a bonafide Contractor.
Usually it is membership of a local Chamber of Commerce, in India.
* The Contractor in India, under the sponsorship of the Employer, approaches
local Embassy in India with a request for short term work visas.
The Contractor needs to establish his bonafides as a Contractor. Documents to establish the same are:
* Contractor’s license
* Contractor’s membership of local chamber of commerce
* Contractor’s Financials of last 3 years
* Employers Order on the Contractor to do the contracting work
* Employer’s Commercial Registration copy
A note of caution: Getting Employer Sponsored Short Term Work Visas often is difficult, as the Employer’s Embassy is not easily convinced of the genuineness of the request. However, with careful selection of the Contractor and providing the required documents, it is indeed possible to convince the Embassy of the bonafides of the request, hence approval for the visas.