What is ECNR/ECR Passport?
If a Passport holder in India has not passed School Level examination, his Passport contains the endorsement of Emigration Clearance Required, or ECR Passports. If the Passport holder has passed SSC, or he is 50+ years old, or has worked in a foreign country for more than 2 years, then this endorsement is deleted, in which case the Passport is said to be ECNR, for Emigration Clearance Not Required.
The Indian Emigration Act
A vast majority of overseas job seekers in India do not complete their final School examinations, but are highly skilled, committed and keen job seekers. Since they are not educated, they are subject tto exploitation by unscrupulous elements in India. To safeguard their interests, the Indian Government has passed an Act, known as The Emigration Act. As per the Act, all Indian Passports with ECR endorsement must be subjected to clearance by Indian Government prior to their departure.
Grant of Emigration Clearance
Such emigration clearances are granted by the Indian Government when the employer and the employment terms are registered on the portal www.emigrate.gov.in. This Portal is very user-friendly and all processes are self-explanatory and simple indeed. In case Users have any query about the process, our support is always available on 0091-22-49676888 or support@afreenintl.in
Advantages of registering on the portal www.emigrate.gov.in
When an employer registers on the portal, he will have access to the vast majority of Indians with ECR endorsement. The recruitment is therefore smooth and fast.
Support is just a phone call or email away
For any query on this subject, please reach us on 0091-22-49676888, or support@afreenintl.iny